Continuing to Grow
For the past eight weeks, we have been blessed tremendously by God and doors have continued to open for us. With the aide of a local motorcycle club, The Holy Riders, we have been able to use a building on 13th Street in downtown Anniston. This has proven to be a huge opportunity in so many ways. The building is vital and centrally located to the hub of the community in which we are attempting to reach.
Currently, we open the doors from 8 a.m. until noon on Saturdays. The ministry is meeting physical needs by serving hot coffee and biscuits. This is crucial for so many reasons. The main focus here is to meet these necessary needs, but most importantly to build relationships.
The ultimate desire for His Hands and Feet Ministry is to see people living restored and redeemed lives. The way that process begins is having a safe place to cultivate and build relationships. This is the key to truly making an impact and to effectively share the Gospel. We continue to see the number of people grow, and lives continue to be impacted. All this serves to reach the ultimate goal of seeing people know the love of Jesus Christ.
The ministry is extremely grateful to the many people who have provided assistance each step of the way. Diane and the team thanks the Holy Riders for being so gracious in allowing us to use this space. A huge thank you to Refuge II Church for the continued support and partnership. Each week that you serve alongside us is extremely impactful.